Automata-theoretic approach to regex crosswords
This post documents my automata-theoretic approach to solving regex crosswords, which is unlike other approaches out there (see Related work below). The biggest limitation of this computer science theory approach is that it only works for truly regular regexes (so no capture groups, look-aheads, etc). I have implemented it in Java using the dk.brics.automaton
Automata-theoretic approach
Let a rectangular regex crossword with \(h\) rows and \(w\) columns be defined by:
- row regexes \(R_0, R_1, \dots, R_{h-1}\) (matching left-to-right),
- column regexes \(C_0, C_1, \dots, C_{w-1}\) (matching top-to-bottom).
Let’s view the \(w \times h\) rectangle as a string of length \(w \times h\) where the rows have been concatenated (i.e., row-major order).
Consider Intermediate: Always remember from as an example:
\[\begin{array} {|r|c|c|c|}\hline & \texttt{UB|IE|AW} & \texttt{[TUBE]*} & \texttt{[BORF].} \\ \hline \texttt{[NOTAD]*} & ? & ? & ? \\ \hline \texttt{WEL|BAL|EAR} & ? & ? & ? \\ \hline \end{array}\]Row automata
First, construct a width automaton \(W\) which accepts all strings of length \(w\). This automaton corresponds to the regex .{w}
Then, for each row regex \(R_i\) construct a row automaton \(R_i'\) as follows:
\[R_i' = W^{i} \circ (R_i \cap W) \circ W^{w - i - 1},\]where
- \(\circ\) is the binary operator for concatenating two automata,
- exponentation self-concatenates indicated number of copies of the automaton (power 0 gives the automaton whose language contains only the empty string),
- \(\cap\) is the binary operator for intersection of two automata.
For the above example, the automata are the following.
\(W\) is the width automaton corresponding to the regex .{3}
graph LR
classDef hidden display: none;
For brevity, a single character regex is used to describe the possible transitions, as opposed parallel transitions for each character in the alphabet. Dead/trap states and transitions are also omitted.
- \(R_0\) is the automaton corresponding to the regex
:graph LR start:::hidden r0((($$r_0$$))) start-->r0-->|"[NOTAD]"|r0 classDef hidden display: none;
For brevity, a single character regex is used to describe the possible transitions, as opposed to 5 self-loops.
\(R_0' = (R_0 \cap W) \circ W\) is the row automaton (which happens to correspond to the regex
):graph LR start:::hidden q0(( )) q1(( )) q2(( )) q3(( )) q4(( )) q5(( )) q6((( ))) start-->q0-->|"[NOTAD]"|q1-->|"[NOTAD]"|q2-->|"[NOTAD]"|q3-->|.|q4-->|.|q5-->|.|q6 classDef hidden display: none;
- \(R_1\) is the automaton corresponding to the regex
:graph LR start:::hidden r0(($$r_0$$)) r1(($$r_1$$)) r2(($$r_2$$)) r3(($$r_3$$)) r4(($$r_4$$)) r5(($$r_5$$)) r6(($$r_6$$)) r7((($$r_7$$))) start-->r0-->|W|r1-->|E|r2-->|L|r7 r0-->|B|r3-->|A|r4-->|L|r7 r0-->|E|r5-->|A|r6-->|R|r7 classDef hidden display: none;
(For symmetry, this has not been minimized.)
\(R_1' = W \circ (R_1 \cap W)\) is the row automaton (which happens to correspond to the regex
):graph LR start:::hidden w0(( )) w1(( )) w2(( )) w3(( )) start-->w0-->|.|w1-->|.|w2-->|.|w3 r1(( )) r2(( )) r3(( )) r4(( )) r5(( )) r6(( )) r7((( ))) w3-->|W|r1-->|E|r2-->|L|r7 w3-->|B|r3-->|A|r4-->|L|r7 w3-->|E|r5-->|A|r6-->|R|r7 classDef hidden display: none;
Column automata
While the construction of automata for each row regex is rather intuitive, it’s significantly more involved for column regexes. That is because the characters in the row-major string that make up the subsequence which needs to match the column regex are not consequtive. Nevertheless, it is possible using a novel1 construction.
First, for each column regex \(C_i\) construct a guard automaton \(O^i \circ W^*\) which is in an accepting state at every position in the row-major string that belongs to column \(i\). Here, \(O\) (for offset) is the automaton corresponding to the regex .
. The guard automaton is a repetition of the width automaton \(W\), because every \(w\)-th position in the row-major string is in the same column, prefixed by an offset automaton \(O^i\) to start the repetition from the corresponding column. This automaton corresponds to the regex .{i}(.{w})*
Then, the column regex \(C_i\) construct a column automaton \(C_i'\) as follows:
\[C_i' = C_i \triangleleft (O^i \circ W^*),\]where \(A \triangleleft G\) is a special product-like guarded automaton (\(A\) guarded by \(G\)), where \(A\) transitions only if \(G\) is in an accepting state. In general \(A \triangleleft G\) is defined as:
- Its states \((a, g)\) are from the product set of states \(A \times G\).
- Its initial state consists of the initial states of \(A\) and \(G\).
- Its state \((a, g)\) is accepting if \(a\) is an accepting state of \(A\).
- In state \((a, g)\) with input character \(c\) the automaton steps to
- \((a', g')\) if \(g\) is an accepting state of \(G\), \(A\) steps from \(a\) to \(a'\) with \(c\) and \(G\) steps from \(g\) to \(g'\) with \(c\),
- \((a, g')\) if \(g\) is not an accepting state of \(G\) and \(G\) steps from \(g\) to \(g'\) with \(c\).
(This has some similarities to stretching of automata.)
For the above example, the automata are the following.
- \(C_0\) is the automaton corresponding to the regex
:graph LR start:::hidden c0(($$c_0$$)) c1(($$c_1$$)) c2(($$c_2$$)) c3(($$c_3$$)) c4((($$c_4$$))) start-->c0-->|U|c1-->|B|c4 c0-->|I|c2-->|E|c4 c0-->|A|c3-->|W|c4 classDef hidden display: none;
\(W^*\) is the guard automaton corresponding to the regex
:graph LR start:::hidden w0((($$w_0$$))) w1(($$w_1$$)) w2(($$w_2$$)) start-->w0-->|.|w1-->|.|w2-->|.|w0 classDef hidden display: none;
\(C_0' = C_0 \triangleleft W^*\) is the column automaton (which happens to correspond to the regex
):graph LR start:::hidden c0w0(($$c_0,w_0$$)) c1w1(($$c_1,w_1$$)) c1w2(($$c_1,w_2$$)) c1w0(($$c_1,w_0$$)) c4w1((($$c_4,w_1$$))) c2w1(($$c_2,w_1$$)) c2w2(($$c_2,w_2$$)) c2w0(($$c_2,w_0$$)) c3w1(($$c_3,w_1$$)) c3w2(($$c_3,w_2$$)) c3w0(($$c_3,w_0$$)) c4w2((($$c_4,w_2$$))) c4w0((($$c_4,w_0$$))) start-->c0w0-->|U|c1w1-->|.|c1w2-->|.|c1w0-->|B|c4w1 c0w0-->|I|c2w1-->|.|c2w2-->|.|c2w0-->|E|c4w1 c0w0-->|A|c3w1-->|.|c3w2-->|.|c3w0-->|W|c4w1 c4w1-->|.|c4w2-->|.|c4w0 classDef hidden display: none;
- \(C_1\) is the automaton corresponding to the regex
:graph LR start:::hidden c0((($$c_0$$))) start-->c0-->|"[TUBE]"|c0 classDef hidden display: none;
\(O^1 \circ W^*\) is the guard automaton corresponding to the regex
:graph LR start:::hidden o0(($$o_0$$)) w0((($$w_0$$))) w1(($$w_1$$)) w2(($$w_2$$)) start-->o0-->|.|w0-->|.|w1-->|.|w2-->|.|w0 classDef hidden display: none;
\(C_1' = C_1 \triangleleft (O^1 \circ W^*)\) is the column automaton (which happens to correspond to the regex
– this is uglier than the automaton):graph LR start:::hidden c0o0((($$c_0,o_0$$))) c0w0((($$c_0,w_0$$))) c0w1((($$c_0,w_1$$))) c0w2((($$c_0,w_2$$))) start-->c0o0-->|.|c0w0-->|"[TUBE]"|c0w1-->|.|c0w2-->|.|c0w0 classDef hidden display: none;
(Note that although all states shown are accepting, \(C_1'\) does not accept all strings – the dead state for mismatches at
is not shown.) - \(C_2\) is the automaton corresponding to the regex
:graph LR start:::hidden c0(($$c_0$$)) c1(($$c_1$$)) c2((($$c_2$$))) start-->c0-->|"[BORF]"|c1-->|.|c2 classDef hidden display: none;
\(O^2 \circ W^*\) is the guard automaton corresponding to the regex
:graph LR start:::hidden o0(($$o_0$$)) o1(($$o_1$$)) w0((($$w_0$$))) w1(($$w_1$$)) w2(($$w_2$$)) start-->o0-->|.|o1-->|.|w0-->|.|w1-->|.|w2-->|.|w0 classDef hidden display: none;
\(C_2' = C_2 \triangleleft (O^2 \circ W^*)\) is the column automaton (which happens to correspond to the regex
):graph LR start:::hidden c0o0(($$c_0,o_0$$)) c0o1(($$c_0,o_1$$)) c0w0(($$c_0,w_0$$)) c1w1(($$c_1,w_1$$)) c1w2(($$c_1,w_2$$)) c1w0(($$c_1,w_0$$)) c2w1((($$c_2,w_1$$))) start-->c0o0-->|.|c0o1-->|.|c0w0-->|"[BORF]"|c1w1-->|.|c1w2-->|.|c1w0-->|.|c2w1 classDef hidden display: none;
Finally, construct the solution automaton \(S\) as an intersection of all row and column automata:
\[S = \left(\bigcap_{i=0}^{h-1} R_i'\right) \cap \left(\bigcap_{i=0}^{w-1} C_i'\right).\]This automaton describes all solutions to the regex crossword. If the regex crossword has a unique solution, this automaton is linear and describes exactly one accepted string.
For the above example, the solution automaton is \(S = R_0' \cap R_1' \cap C_0' \cap C_1' \cap C_2'\) (which happens to correspond to the regex ATOWEL
graph LR
q0(( ))
q1(( ))
q2(( ))
q3(( ))
q4(( ))
q5(( ))
q6((( )))
classDef hidden display: none;
The solution to the regex crossword can be read off the automaton: the only accepted string is ATOWEL
Although, I have implemented it in Java, I don’t have useful information about its performance (especially compared to other approaches). The runtimes on small test cases are neglible.
This approach involves a lot of product automata constructions (for intersections and guarded) which, at least in theory, can yield quite large automata. My hunch is that the intermediate automata, when minimized, are relatively small compared to the theoretical bounds (as also seen in the example). Conventionally regex crosswords have unique solutions, so as more automata are intersected more restrictions are combined, converging towards a smaller language with a smaller automaton.
Related work
The following table gives an overview of various approaches to the regex crossword problem. Most seem to use more brute force (backtracking, search, SMT), but also target non-regular regexes which cannot be expressed as finite automata.
Approach | Implementation | Description |
Logic programming | Clojure | Blog |
Search (“heuristic”) | C++ | Blog |
SMT (“string constraint solving”) | Python | Blog |
Custom regex engine | Haskell | Blog part 1, part 2 |
Go regex DFA inspection (“backtracking”) | Go | Blog (archived) |
Evolutionary algorithm (“heuristic”) | JavaScript | — |
Search (“backtracking”) | Python | — |
SMT | — | Paper |
This (automata-theoretic) | Java | Above |
As far as I am aware. Please inform me know otherwise. ↩